Integrate Body & Mind Connection
Typically an integrative mind body session consists of a variety of exercises, including tai chi, yoga and a number of meditative mind trainings, depending on the individual and the needs. Cumulatively, it is a 1-hour treatment, which includes assessment, evaluation, and the treatment itself. If you are coming in for the treatment of digestive pain or anxieties, the doctor may include an additional modality as recommended.
Initial consultation and treatment when you book an appointment: $99
(Duration: 1 hour, but allow 70 minutes – 90 minutes for the visit, depending on the complexity of the case. Some patients may need more time for questions and additional therapy): $99
Follow up appointment:
(Duration: 1 hour, but allow 50 minutes – 60 minutes for your visit): $80
Add: Another Side of Acupuncture Treatment / Cupping / Gua Sha / Sports Medicine KT Tape: $20
Add: Celluma LED Light Therapy for Acne, Wrinkles, Skin Rejuvenation, Muscle Spasm, Pain Wound Healing, Arthritic pain, Muscles & joint pain, Muscle tissue tension, Decrease inflammation, Increase Micro-circulation: $40 – $60
(Duration: 20 minutes – 30 minutes for your visit)